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Deng Dekuan


Deng Dekuan(born June 26, 1990) is a Chinese artist and avant-garde filmmaker. He was born and grew up in Jinan, Shandong province in China. After finishing his BFA program in Shandong Art University, Deng went to the US in 2014 to study at Tufts University in Boston, where he competed his master’s degree in studio art. During graduate school, Deng learned avant-garde film with filmmaker Abigail Child. And after graduation, he became Abigail’s assistant for nearly six months in New York. Now he works in Shandong University of Art & Design.

邓德宽现工作生活于济南,2016年毕业于美国塔夫茨大学(Tufts University)。研究生期间,师从实验电影人Abigail Child,并在毕业后于纽约担任其助手至2017年初。现任教于山东工艺美术学院。

Tillmans Lu


Tillmans Lu
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