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Domenico Singha Pedroli

Domenico Singha Pedroli (1994) was born and raised in Lugano (CH). After various professional experiences abroad and completing his studies at the Accademia d’Architettura di Mendrisio (2018) he relocated to Bangkok (TH) in 2019 to be fully dedicated to storytelling and reconnect with his Thai origins. Being multicultural at his core, Swiss, Italian and Thai, he’s focused on our relationship with time and space, our disappearances and traces, gestures and memories, moving freely into different contexts thanks to a practice of observation and curious research. Currently, he is based in Paris (FR) and enrolled at Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains (2022-2024) in Tourcoing (FR) to develop his cinematic ideas with different mediums.

多梅尼科·辛哈·佩德罗利(Domenico Singha Pedroli)生于1994年,在瑞士卢加诺出生并长大。在经历海外各种职业以及完成在门德里西奥建筑学院(2018年)的学业后,他于2019年搬到曼谷,全身心致力于叙事,并重新建立与泰国根源的联系。作为一个具有瑞士、意大利和泰国文化的多元文化者,他专注于我们与时间和空间的关系,我们的消失和痕迹,动作和记忆,通过观察和好奇研究的实践,在不同的背景中自由移动。目前,他常驻巴黎,并在法国国立当代艺术研究院(Le Fresnoy)学习,以不同的媒介发展他的电影创意。

Tierra Utopia


Tierra Utopia
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