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Erin Semine Kökdil

Erin Semine Kökdil is a storyteller interested in building solidarity and inciting social change through film. Her work deals with issues of trauma, marginalization, and migration and has screened at IDFA, Hot Docs, Camden International Film Festival, AFIDocs, San Francisco International Film Festival, Palm Springs International ShortFest, among others. Her work has been supported by SFFILM and Points North Institute. Prior to becoming a filmmaker, she worked extensively with non-profits and community-led initiatives in the U.S. and Guatemala. She holds a BA in Latin American Studies and Spanish from Smith College and an MFA in Documentary Film and Video from Stanford University.

Erin Semine Kökdil是一位故事讲述者,希望通过电影建立团结和推动社会变革。她的作品涉及创伤、边缘化和移民问题,曾在阿姆斯特丹国际纪录片电影节、加拿大Hot Docs国际纪录片电影节、卡姆登国际电影节、美国电影协会纪录片电影节、旧金山国际电影节、棕榈泉国际短片节等电影节上放映。她的作品得到了旧金山国际电影节机构和卡姆登Points North Institute的支持。在成为电影制作人之前,她与美国和危地马拉的非营利组织和社区主导的倡议活动广泛合作。她拥有史密斯学院的拉丁美洲研究和西班牙语学士学位,以及斯坦福大学的纪录片和录像艺术硕士学位。

Since you arrived, my heart stopped belonging to me


Since you arrived, my heart stopped belonging to me
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