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Related Film 相关作品

Hee Young


Hee Young and Oscar are an international filmmaking duo.’ They found each other because we all believe in the meanings and values of collective exploration and creation while slowly exploring different places on this planet. Combining their different cultural backgrounds and understanding of the world, they explore the possibility of cinema, to investigate relationship between people and places, memory, and family.

张家骏毕业于伦敦电影学院电影制作系,短片创作曾入围柏林,瑞士VISIONS DU REEL等影展。2017年作为六名亚洲青年导演之一入选是枝裕和为导师的釜山电影节AFA亚洲电影学院,长片剧本《远洋》斩获首奖。目前正在筹备处女作电影《所有忧伤的年轻人》。

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