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Iman Behrouzi

Born in 1984 in Iran, he studied cinema and directing at the University of Tehran. He received his Ph.D. in Media Culture Studies in 2022. One of his previous documentaries, “A Movie for You”, was premiered at the Visions du Réel in 2015. “Amour du Réel”, another of his documentaries, was selected at the Oscar qualifying and BAFTA recognized film festivals. He was one of the members of jury at the Melgaco Documentary Film Festival in 2019. His next work “The Fabric” was premiered at the DMZ Documentary Film Festival in 2021. Iman is an alumnus of Berlinale Talents 2020. His most recent work “Three Sisters” was premiered at the Jihlava Documentary Film Festival "Three Sisters" is selected as the best Iranian short documentary of Year 2023 by Iranian short film magazine. Three Sisters is the winner of the Best Documentary at the Montecatini International Short Film Festival in 2023.

伊曼·贝鲁兹(Iman Behrouzi)于1984年出生在伊朗,曾就读于德黑兰大学电影和导演专业。他于2022年获得媒体文化研究博士学位。他的纪录片作品《A Movie for You》于2015年在瑞士真实电影节首映。另一部纪录片《Amour du Réel》,被选入奥斯卡资格认可和英国电影学院认可的电影节。他是2019年梅尔加库纪录片电影节评审团成员之一。他的作品《The Fabric》于2021年在韩国DMZ纪录片电影节首映。他最近的作品《Three Sisters》于伊赫拉瓦国际纪录片电影节首映,《Three Sisters》被伊朗短片杂志评选为2023年最佳伊朗短纪录片。同时,该片要是是2023年蒙特卡蒂尼国际短片电影节最佳纪录片奖的获奖影片。

Three Sisters


Three Sisters
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