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Jessi Ali Lin

Jessi Ali Lin is an artist working with and through sculpture, video, performance, and embodiment. Her work exploits the notion of positionality both in terms of physical position and the multivalence of identity as central to her process. Drawing from feminist history, Minimalism, and performance art, Lin examines the relationship between the performance of the self, its fragmented nature, and its location within systems of power. Lin holds a BA in Art and Art History from Barnard College, Columbia University, and an MFA in Interdisciplinary Arts from the University of Pennsylvania. Her work has been shown at EFA Project Space, New York, NY; IceBox Project Space, Philadelphia, PA; 25 FPS, Zagreb, Croatia; and Dixon Place, New York, NY. Recent projects include residencies at SOMA Mexico, RAIR, and 18th Street Art Center. She currently lives and works in Los Angeles and is a visiting lecturer at Scripps College.

林怡平(Jessi Ali Lin)是一位艺术家,通过雕塑、视频、表演和具象化的方式进行创作。她的作品利用位置性的概念,无论是在物理位置上还是在身份多义性上,都是她创作过程的核心。从女性主义历史、极简主义和表演艺术中汲取灵感,林探讨了自我的表演、其碎片化性质以及其在权力体系中的位置之间的关系。 林拥有哥伦比亚大学巴纳德学院的艺术与艺术史学士学位,以及宾夕法尼亚大学的跨学科艺术硕士学位。她的作品曾在纽约EFA Project Space、费城IceBox Project Space等多地展出。她目前居住和工作在洛杉矶,并在斯克里普斯学院担任客座讲师。

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