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Kiluanji Kia Henda

Multidisciplinary artist Kiluanji Kia Henda (1979, Angola) works mainly as a photographer and visual artist. Born only four years after Angola's independence, his work deals with the country's colonial history and postcolonial identity, often in a humorous and ironic way. In 2012, Kia Henda received the National Culture and Art Prize from the Ministry of Culture in Angola and in 2017 he won the Frieze Artist Award. His work is in the public collection at Tate Modern and he has exhibited around the world.

Kiluanji Kia Henda在1979年出生于安哥拉,是一位涉足多领域的视觉艺术家和摄影师。他在安哥拉独立四年后出生,作品多以幽默讽刺的手法探讨安哥拉的殖民地历史以及后殖民时代的身份。2012年,他被安哥拉文化部授予国家文化艺术奖,并在2017年获得了弗里兹艺术家奖。他的作品被泰特美术馆收藏,并在全球范围内参与展出。

There Is No Light Inside the Mirror


There Is No Light Inside the Mirror
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