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Laurence Attali
Laurence Attali studied philosophy and cinema at Paris Sorbonne, and theater at Vincennes, before quickly turning to editing. Chief editor for cinema and television, fiction and documentaries. Sent to Senegal by for 5 days, she went back there, one month later, to make her first documentary. Then she began incessant round trips between Paris and Dakar where she has directed and produced most of her films. Her works have been selected by numerous festivals and received several awards. Laurence obtained Senegalese nationality in 2004.
Laurence Attali在巴黎索邦大学学习哲学和电影,在温森斯学习戏剧,之后转而从事剪辑,担任多部虚构和纪录电影及电视剧作品的主剪。在前往塞内加尔5天之后,她重新回到那里,拍摄了自己的第一部纪录片。之后她开始不断往返于巴黎和达喀尔之间,在非洲拍摄和制作了大部分电影。她的作品入选世界各地电影节并多次获奖。Laurence于2004年获得塞内加尔国籍。
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