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Louise Courvoisier

Louise Courvoisier has learned screenwriting in the National Cinema School "La Cinefabrique" in Lyon, France. She graduated in 2018 with a short-film she directed "Mano a mano" about circus artists, and won the first price at Cannes film Festival, Cinéfondation.
Before being a filmmaker, she was also a singer and circus artist with her family. She likes to use this experience in her films.

导演曾在法国里昂的国家电影学校La Cinefabrique学习编剧。她于2018年毕业,并拍摄了关于马戏团艺术家的短片《Mano a Mano》,且在戛纳电影节上获得“电影基石”单元第一名。在做电影之前,她曾是和家人一起的歌手和马戏团艺术家,她喜欢在电影中使用自己的这段经历。

Mano a Mano


Mano a Mano
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