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Luca Sorgato
Luca Sorgato was born in Milan in 1985. His filmic research moves between the exploration of forgotten bodies, places and objects, with a constant reflection on time. He conducts a study on Italian poet Attilio Lolini; digging through epistles, notes, old newspapers and original works. His works have been presented and awarded by museums and festivals including MOCAK in Krakow, Torino Film Festival, Laceno d'oro and ShorTS International Film Festival. In 2021 his short film "Yawns" won the best film award at the Beijing International Short Film Festival. His films are distributed by Collectif Jeune Cinéma in Paris.
卢卡·索尔加托(Luca Sorgato)于1985年出生在米兰。他的电影创作探讨被遗忘的身体、地点和物体,不断反思时间。他正在研究意大利诗人阿蒂利奥·洛利尼(Attilio Lolini),深入挖掘书信、笔记、旧报纸和原始作品。他的作品曾在克拉科夫MOCAK博物馆、都灵电影节、金橡树电影节(Laceno d'oro)和ShorTS国际电影节等博物馆和电影节展映并获奖。2021年,他的短片《哈欠》(Yawns)在北京国际短片联展上获得最佳影片奖。他的电影由巴黎的Collectif Jeune Cinéma发行。