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Director and screenwriter based in Vienna, schooled at the Austrian State School of Film and Television – Filmakademie Wien. Her films traveled to numerous international festivals and won many awards, including the FIRST STEPS AWARD and Max Ophüls Preis, the most important newcomer honors in the German speaking countries. Years of experience in contemporary dance and physical theatre complete her methods of working with actors. Beneficiary of the Austrian Federal Chancellery and Austrian Screenwriters Forum, Winner of the Pop Up Residency. Alumna of the Zürich Master Class and New Horizons Studio +.

Magdalena Chmielewska是一名来自维也纳的导演和编剧,毕业于维也纳电影学院。她的影片曾入选多个国际电影节,并赢得了许多奖项,如德语国家中最重要的新人奖马克斯·奥菲尔斯奖。多年表演现代舞和形体戏剧的经历,使她掌握了与演员的共事方式。此外,她还参加过苏黎世大师班和新视野Studio +。(常瑞)

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