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Nikolaj Heinius

Native Uppsala citizen, Nikolaj Heinius, started in the field of literature and then ventured into film-making. He is finishing his bachelor studies of documentary filmmaking at the Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts. His previous films ranges from art-house depictions of bdsm sexuality, visual anthropological studies of the fitness community in Stockholm to a filmic essay about the peace movement. The common denominator is the interest in hybrid methods of production and pushing the boundaries of the film form aesthetics.

Nikolaj Heinius生于瑞典乌普萨拉,他的创作从文学领域开始,随后转向电影制作。他的创作包括探讨BDSM癖好的美术馆电影,斯德哥尔摩健身社区的视觉人类学研究以及有关和平运动的电影作品。他的擅长混合表现手法,并试图以独特的美学打开电影的边界。目前他正在斯德哥尔摩戏剧艺术学院完成纪录片电影制作的学士学位。

Oblivion's End


Oblivion's End
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