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Péter Lichter

Péter Lichter is a Hungarian experimental filmmaker. He studied film history and film theory at the ELTE University, Budapest. Péter makes found footage abstract films, lyrical documentaries and experimental features since 2002. His films were screened at festivals and venues around the world. He is also one of the editors of the Prizma film-periodical, his first book on experimental cinema (A láthatatlan birodalom / The Invisible Impire) was published in 2016.

Péter Lichter是一位匈牙利实验电影人,毕业于布达佩斯ELTE大学学习电影史与电影理论专业。自2002年起,Péter创作抽象的拾得影像作品,诗意纪录片和虚构类实验电影,在世界各地的电影节和场馆展出。他也是电影期刊Prizma的编辑之一,他的第一本关于实验电影的著作《看不见的帝国》于2016年出版。

Empty Horses


Empty Horses
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