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Romain Dumont
Romain Dumont started writing screenplays when he was 18. His career only really started years later when he took out a loan at the bank to finance his first short film, “Au plaisir les ordures!” The film was presented in competition at a number of renowned international festivals, including Guanajuato, Clermont-Ferrand, Slamdance (honorable mention), Dokufest and Hollyshorts. He has won a dozen awards, including best short film at the Aesthetica Short Film Fest, the Canadian Film Fest and the Festival International de Cinéma d'Alger. He has been living in Paris for the past two years, and is now working on four short films on the same theme, “Justice of Men”.
罗曼·杜蒙(Romain Dumont)在18岁时开始编写剧本。他的职业生涯真正起步于几年后,当时他向银行贷款制作了自己的首部短片《乐在其中,垃圾们!》(Au plaisir les ordures!)。该片入围了多个知名国际电影节的竞赛单元,包括瓜纳华托国际电影节、克莱蒙费朗短片节、Slamdance(荣誉提名)、Dokufest和Hollyshorts。影片获得了包括英国Aesthetica短片电影节、加拿大电影节和阿尔及尔国际电影节在内的多个最佳短片奖项。杜蒙已在巴黎居住两年,目前正在创作四部围绕“人之正义”主题的短片。