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Related Film 相关作品

Royce Lee


The wife lost her sense of time in the loops of life, becaming the gears of social machinery. The husband is a writer who has the spirit of rebellion. But under the pressure of the family and the change of the times, his spirit began to get confuse. Reality and dreams began to overlap in his world. He dreamed of his past and future, saw the absurdity of the world and went into nihilism. Then he committed suicide.

罗列,独立电影制作人。2014年大二至2016年大四期间成立广告公司从事政府企业宣传片制作,毕业后注销了广告公司。2016年至2017年上旬开始自学影视理论。2017年下半年完成处女作60分钟犯罪类长片。2018年完成第二部40分钟魔幻现实主义短片《倒立的悬崖》。2018年下半年正在拍摄第三部90分钟现实主义长片《拆迁青年》(暂定名) 。所有影片制作均无依靠也不依赖外界力量,仅是一台摄影机,一台录音机,三个镜头,三个灯,呈现作者不同阶段对电影与戏剧与生活不断上升的理解。

A 180-degree revolving cliff


A 180-degree revolving cliff
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