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Sarah Hafner
Graduated from ESRA in cinema production, Sarah Hafner began her career as the 1st assistant director on short and feature films, TV series and commercials. At the same time, she self-produced several short films, notably “Utile”, for which she won the Canal + prize at the Nikon Film Festival 2018. In 2019, she wrote and developed the animated series “C'est pas la mort !”, for which she receives the Crystal Feather for best animation script at the Valence International Festival.
毕业于法国ESRA国际电影学院的电影制作专业,Sarah Hafner开始了她的职业⽣涯,担任短⽚、剧情⽚、电视剧与商业⼴告的第⼀助理导演。同时,她⾃⼰也独⽴制作了多部短⽚,其中短⽚Utile 获得了2018年尼康电影节Canal+奖。2019年,她编写并开发了动画系列《这不是死亡!》,并因此获得了法国瓦朗斯国际电影节最佳动画剧本⽔晶⽻⽑奖。
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