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Sasha Svirsky

Sasha Svirsky is a self-taught animator. Since 2008 he has created more than 30 animation shorts. He develops his own artistic language by mixing media and continues to make graphics artworks, painting and collages. He uses a method of improvisation and challenges stereotypes. Since 2013 works in collaboration with his partner Nadezhda Svirskaia. Currently, he is based in Moscow.

Sasha Svirsky自学动画,自2008年起创作了超过30部动画短片。他通过混合媒介形成了独特的艺术语言,进而创作平面艺术作品,绘画和拼贴。他采用即兴的创作手法,挑战成见。2013年起与搭档Nadezhda Svirskaia合作,目前生活在莫斯科。

My Galactic Twin Galaction


My Galactic Twin Galaction
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