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Related Film 相关作品

Seokyoung Yang 杨硕煐

Seokyoung Yang (she/they) is a curator, poet, and filmmaker dedicated to artistic experimentation. Born and raised in South Korea, she investigates the correlation between anomaly of language, diasporic bodies, and internal loss through moving images and texts. She received her BFA in film and video program at California Institute of the Arts. She currently resides in Seoul, South Korea.

杨硕煐(Seokyoung Yang)是一位致力于艺术实验的策展人、诗人和导演。她在韩国出生并长大,并在加利福尼亚艺术学院获得了电影和视频专业的学士学位,目前居住在首尔。她通过移动图像和文本探讨语言的异常、散居身体和内在损失之间的关联。

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