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Stéphanie Roland

Stéphanie Roland is a micronesian / belgian visual artist and filmmaker, her work is regularly shown at international level. Her projects have been included in exhibitions from major institutions among these Louvre Museum, Benaki Museum, Botanique, Kampala International Art Biennale, Bozar and Wiels.
She won an impressive number of prizes and grants. She was shortlisted for the HSBC Photography Award, the Leica Oskar Barnack Award, the Vevey International Photography Award, the Salomon foundation award, BMW Residency Award, the Prix Jeunes artistes of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and The Prix Studio Collector.
In 2017, her first film Deception Island premiered at the 57th Venice Biennale. Her films have been selected in international festivals such as : FID Marseille, Internationales Paris / Berlin and Bozar, among others. She's actually artist at Fresnoy - Studio National, where she finished her third short film, an experimental documentary, The empty sphere.

Stéphanie Roland是一位密克罗尼西亚裔比利时视觉艺术家和电影制片人。其作品常登上国际舞台,一些项目集也被纳入著名艺术机构的展览,如卢浮宫博物馆、贝纳基博物馆、坎帕拉国际艺术双年展等。她斩获了众多奖项及奖金,并获法国汇丰银行摄影奖、徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克奖、沃韦国际摄影奖等多项国际大奖提名。2017年,她的第一部电影《Deception Island》在第57届威尼斯双年展首映。其电影作品也曾入围马赛国际电影节、巴黎柏林国际影像艺术节等国际电影节。同时,Stéphanie也是法国国立当代艺术工作室的一名艺术家,她曾在这里完成了她的第三部短片,也是一部实验纪录片《The empty sphere》。(申雨夕)

Podesta Island


Podesta Island
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