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Su Yueqin


Su Yue Qin, born in 1995 in Hebei, China, now lives in Hong Kong. Su graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University. In 2015, she started her career in journalism by focusing on individuals in the midst of social change. She initially chose to make some newsreels about Guangzhou's Urban Villages: Xiancun and then gradually turned to documentary making. Days of Love is her debut.

苏钺秦,1995年生于河北,暨南大学国际政治、新闻系毕业,香港浸会大学电影电视与数字媒体硕士。2015开始踏入新闻界,关注社会变革中的个人,曾拍摄有关广州城中村的新闻片,逐渐借此转向纪录片创作。 《和爱有关的日子》是她的处女作。

Days of Love


Days of Love
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