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Wey Yinn Teo

Wey Yinn Teo is a Kuala Lumpur based film worker, composer, sound designer, pianist, and analog photographer. Her career mainly revolves around filmmaking, and she is an alumni of Berlinale Talents and the Kyoto Filmmaker’s Lab in 2022. Her works often drifts away from the realms of reality and truth, where she explores the ideas with alienation, the spectrum of the human experience and their relationship with the existential self. Her debut short ‘Enflightenment’ (2023) recently 世界首映 World Premiered at the RAW Competition in the Short Waves Festival in Poland.

Wey Yinn Teo是马来西亚吉隆坡的电影工作者、作曲家、声音设计师、钢琴家和模拟摄影师。她主要从事电影制作,曾是2022年柏林天才项目和京都电影人实验室项目的成员。她的作品常常超越现实和真相的范畴,探索异化、人类经验的光谱以及它们与自我存在的关系。她的首部短片《Enflightenment》(2023)最近在波兰短波电影节中首映。



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