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Zimu Zhang is a researcher, curator and moving image practitioner. She has a doctorate on ecological visual culture from School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong and a master degree in documentary filmmaking from Erasmus Mundus Joint master program Docnomads. She is the recipient of the 2022 Landhaus fellowship at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU. She is a member of the Wanwu Practice Group that focuses on ecology and art research in east Asia. She is also an alumna of Berlinale talents (2016). Her films have been featured in international film festivals, art and academic events, such as European Media Art Festival, Doclisboa, Yunfest, China Independent Film Festival, etc. She has curated screening programs for Singapore International film festival, Arkipel Documentary and Experimental Film Festiva, Inner Mongolian Film Week and Beijing International Short Film Festival, etc. Together with friends she co-founded Moonshine Screening Project (2017-2019, Guangzhou SJT co-governance space) and Black Tent Theater (2021-, Guangdong Times Museum), focusing on the ecology and sociality of moving image and moving image activities.

研究者、策展人与动态影像作者。她曾于欧盟Docnomads联合硕士项目学习纪录片导演,后在香港城市大学创意媒体学院获得博士学位,研究方向为生态视阈下的视觉文化。她是2022年慕尼黑大学蕾切尔卡森环境与社会研究中心奖学金获得者。她也是关注东亚生态艺术研究的“万物实践社”成员、柏林电影节 Talent campus (2016) 的参与者。她的影像作品曾在多个国际影像艺术节展出,包括欧洲媒体艺术节、里斯本纪录片节、云之南及中国独立影像展等。她也作为策展人参与过新加坡国际电影节、印尼Akripel 纪录实验电影节、内蒙古青年电影周、北京国际短片联展等。她与朋友们联合发起了月光放映计划 (2017-2019于广州上阳台共治空间)、黑帐篷剧场(2021- 广东时代美术馆),聚焦影像与影像活动的生态性与社会性。

Just Like Any Other Night


Just Like Any Other Night
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