Wang Tuo
In Addicted, 12 commercial actors and actresses are invited to participate in a group photoshoot mimicking the cover of the Vanity Fair magazine, while performing the roles they usually play in commercials proficiently and cooperatively. As the camera moves along, each of the characters presents a short yet intimate monologue to the camera. In rigid poses, they confess their anxieties and frustrations about their bodies, minds, and lifestyles—perfectly put-together patients with internal sufferings. The viewers also gradually realize that these people are attending a spiritually minded meeting for addiction recovery à la Alcoholics Anonymous. In this work, the actors' monologues are juxtaposed with group portraits of the Dutch Golden Age. The artist bridges past and present with the aesthetics of schuttersstuk and regentenstuk, continuing his exploration in the reality of “artificial concepts" since 2016.
在影像《中毒》中 , 艺术家挑选并邀请 12 位广告演员 , 让他们以其在曾经各自广告片中的形象 , 模拟了一次《名利场》杂志封面照式的群像拍摄。 随着镜头的推移 , 这些人物逐个地面对镜头讲述简短又私密的独白。演员们摆着僵硬的造型 , 袒露有关身体、心理、生活方式的焦虑或苦闷 , 而这些独白的内容则是隐去了具体商品信息的广告片台词。而观众也慢慢从他们的交流方式中意识到 , 他们的聚集其实是一个“戒酒劝助会”(Alcoholics Anonymous Group) 式的成瘾症候心理救助现场。在影像中 , 演员独白与荷兰黄金时代群像绘画交替出现 , 艺术家以群像美学为线索展现当下与历史中“焦虑”的关联 , 延续了自 2016 年来对“人造观念”的实在性这一命题的探讨。