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Domenico Singha Pedroli


France, Switzerland

Thai, French

Au Revoir Siam


Asian Premiere

Following Jaran Ditapichai, a Thai political refugee living in Paris, in his metaphorical journey to his hometown, we un-map a political territory. Through the archives of the National Library of France, a sum of fragile human gestures is exposed, the past is released against the backdrop of an indifferent present made of guitar players, ruins, and an ever-flowing river. Forgotten faces left underwater reappears as we wonder what they have seen, what have they witnessed during the process of border-making of Thailand.

跟随居住在巴黎的泰国政治难民贾兰·迪塔皮猜(Jaran Ditapichai)踏上隐喻性的归乡之旅,影片揭开了一块政治版图。通过法国国家图书馆的档案,电影揭示了一系列脆弱的人类姿态,在吉他手、废墟和一条永不停歇的河流组成的冷漠的现状的背景下,过去被揭开。水面下被遗忘的面孔再次出现,我们想知道在泰国边界形成的过程中,他们看到了什么,又见证了什么。

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