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Carlos Casas


Spain, Italy

No Dialogue



International Premiere

In 1907 Herman Hesse spent a few days meditating and fasting in a cave near Monte Verità. During these days he collected the visions and insights that went on to be very influential in his thinking and shaped some of the most important works of his literary career. 1960s psychedelia, western counterculture and Eastern spiritual awakening would not be the same without books like Demian, Siddharta, Journey to the East, or The Glass Bead Game. The images and sounds of this film were shot there and are a homage to this cave and its possible invocations.
Grotta is part of Fieldworks, a series of films and an ongoing experiment with ambient video and radio frequencies. It represents a collection of landscape video notes that Casas has been developing since 2000. Through these works, the artist attempts to capture the atmospheric qualities of various landscapes through visual and audio field recordings made on location. Additionally, the work emphasizes the asynchronous and random relationship between soundtrack and film, blending documentary and experimental film styles in a post-structural approach.

1907年,赫尔曼·黑塞(Herman Hesse)在维里塔山附近的一个山洞里进行了几天的冥想和斋戒。在这些日子里,他收集到了对他的思想影响深远的幻象和洞见,并塑造了他文学生涯中一些最重要的作品。如果没有《德米安》《悉达多》《东游记》或《玻璃珠游戏》等书籍,20世纪60年代的迷幻、西方反主流文化和东方精神觉醒就不会是现在这样。这部电影的影像和声音就是在那个地点拍摄的,是对这个洞穴及其可能的召唤的致敬。


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