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Natan Castay



English, French, Portuguese

Human, not human


En attendant les Robots
Best Film For International Competition
亚洲首映 Asia Premiere

Otto spends night and day blurring faces on Google Streetview for a cent each.It's the kind of work he and his friends around the world can find on the Amazon Mechanical Turk, the crowdworking platform.Alongside his turker friends, Otto sinks into a robotic world that raise the question of humanity.

奥托整天整夜地在谷歌街景上涂抹人们的脸,一张脸一分钱。这是他和世界各地的朋友可以在Amazon Mechanical Turk上找到的工作,这是一个众包平台。在他平台同事们的陪伴下,奥托沉浸在一个拷问人性的机械世界中。

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