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Agnès Hayden


Canada, Spain


Latitude Mesh


Asian Premiere

A photographic emulsion is a chemical compound used in film to create an image when exposed to light. Agnès' artisanal emulsion drives this work, crafted with the precision of a contemporary alchemist.

This film puts different emulsions into dialogue: Kodak Tri-X, Kodak 3378 high contrast film and Agnès' artisanal emulsion.

The film is structured by three concepts: the descent in photographic latitude from the most light-sensitive emulsion to the least, the descent in geographical latitude, filming from north to south, and a physical camera descent. Movement, photochemical sensitivity, and geography are intertwined throughout the footage, accompanied by a self-produced soundscape. The images and music gradually degenerate into violent rhythms of disordered silver halides and distorted sounds.



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