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Herman Asselberghs




Object Lesson


Leçon d'Objet
Best Film for International Competition
Asian Premiere

Leçon d’objet talks about the camera used to make the film. Its title refers to the proven teaching method of presenting an everyday object by naming its characteristics and properties. The close observation of a physical object can then lead to a better understanding of abstract concepts. The object here on display is the Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera 4K. Film students refer to this tool/thing/product as “the Black Magic” or “the 4K”. The setting of the film is the arts college. The roles are for film students. The narrative gives the floor to one of them as she takes portraits of her fellow students over summer. In the ambiguous middle between fiction, documentary and essay, Leçon d’objet reflects through her voice on image making, on our dealings with the camera, on film school and on the question of attention.

影片讨论了制作电影所使用的摄影机。其标题指的是一种行之有效的教学方法,即通过命名日常物品的特征和属性来呈现它。对物理对象的仔细观察可以更好地理解抽象概念。这里展示的物品是“Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera 4K”。电影专业的学生将此工具/物品/产品称为“黑魔法”或“4K”。本片的背景设定在艺术学院,角色是电影专业的学生。故事以其中一名学生为主角,她在暑假为同学拍摄肖像。在虚构、纪录片和论文的模糊中间地带,本片通过她的声音反映了图像制作、我们与摄影机的关系、电影学院以及专注的问题。

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