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Juanita Onzaga


Belgium, Colombia


Our Song to War



Crocodile-men, a mystic river, some kids who like fishing and a war that is coming to an end, share the same Colombian land: Bojaya. In this place, villagers have strange beliefs and celebrate the “Novenario” death ritual. This might be the beginning of a very long story, where spirits and humans meet each other to learn what is there to life after the end of war.

鳄鱼人,一条神秘的河流,一些喜欢钓鱼的孩子,同时战争即将结束,他们共享着同样的哥伦比亚土地:Bojaya。 这里的村民有奇怪的信仰,庆祝名字为“Novenario”的死亡仪式。这可能是一个漫长故事的开始,在此故事中,神灵与人类会面,以理解战争结束后的生活。

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