BISFF Correspondence 通信计划
为了跨越种种障碍,开辟更多交流空间,我们设置了“BISFF Correspondence 通信计划”,对部分国际单元的参展作者进行系列访谈,这些访谈将在作品放映后发布在联展各个媒体平台。
This program involves conducting brief email interviews with the directors of the international films featured in the festival, in lieu of the traditional Q&A session that follows the screenings. Through this program, we hope to provide a platform for filmmakers to discuss their work and share their insights with our audience in China.
The Eyeball Person|眼球人
Yuri Muraoka
Director导演:Yuri Muraoka
Q1 : There are many things that are similar to your experience in The Eyeball Person, like two children’s mother, one of your daughter Nemu. Is the film entirely a reflection of your life? Or is it an artistic treatment on the basis of life? How do you think the relationship between real life and fictional creation?
A1 : The word "fiction" doesn't suit me, so use the word "fantasy." To be honest, I don't know if I'm alive in real life or in Fantasy. However, I think the important thing is not to make the boundary between these two clear, but to discern the ``truth'' with the eyes of your mind. Whenever I create something, I want to stay faithful to what is true to me. By creating my artworks, I hope that I can grasp the truth in my life someday.
Q2 : The Eyeball Person is also a poem. Do you write the poem first and then create the film, or do you create the film first and then organize it into a poem? You said that ” An attempt to weave images with words and to weave a poem with images.” Are there any problems in the weaving process? If so, how did you solve them?
《The Eyeball Person》同时也是一首诗。请问您是先创作了诗歌后创作影片,还是先创作了影片后整理成诗歌?您曾谈到“用文字来编织形象,用形象来编织诗歌”。在这样的过程中您是否遇到了什么困难,后来又是怎么解决的呢?
A2 : For my previous work ``Transparent, I am.'' and this work, I started with poetry, and then made the films. Ever since I started writingpoetry, I have always been exploring the intersection of images and words. My poems are very visual, so it's easy for the reader to imagine an image in their mind. However, due to the music and narration, there is a time constraint for moving from cut to cut. Because of this, the audience is constantly driven to develop its story. This is still not solved. This is a challenge for the future, and it is also the cause of my frustration! I want to make my next film something that isn't bound by words.
我先前的作品《透明的我》(Transparent, I am.)和这部作品都是从诗歌开始,然后创作了影片。自从我开始写诗,我一直在探索图像和文字的交汇点。我的诗非常形象化,因此对于读者来说在脑海中想象画面是很容易的。然而,由于音乐和旁白的连贯性,从一帧切换到另一帧受时间的束缚。因此,观众被迫不断地脑补其中的故事。这个问题仍然没有解决,同时对未来也是一个挑战,也是令我受挫的原因。我希望创作的下一部影片能够不被文字所限。
Q3 : The sunflowers many times in the film, including the eyes of the little girl on the train, seeds broke through the soil in the sunflower pot, the scene cuts between sunflowers and hanged man. It seems that on the one hand the sunflowers stand for evil, on the other hand they stand for vitality. Can you explain the meaning of the sunflowers for us? And then what role do sunflowers play in the film?
A3 : The sunflowers of her eyes and vagina of the girl on the train are evil, but they are also symbols of her suffering. Because of this, she feels low about herself. “Living” is very wonderful, but at the same time it is very painful. Even amidst such hardships, The sunflowers strives to find the sun, and Nemu continues to live in search of light in her life. Their appearance is so earnest and innocent. They encourages me that I can believe in myself
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