66 films from 43 countries and regions combined in the BISFF2022 international competition, including 9 World premieres, 11 international premieres, 29 Asia premieres and 18 Chinese mainland premieres. These films will be screened in the UCCA art centre and Goethe Institute Beijing from 18th to 28th November.
All film data click here

Vin îndată | Be right back | 马上归来
Cristian Vasilescu | Romania | World Premiere
El olvido de los espejos | The Oblivion of Mirrors | 镜像之遗忘
Miguel Ángel Calderón | Spain, Peru | Chinese Mainland Premiere
Le Saboteur | 破坏者
Ansii Kasitonni | Finland | Asia Premiere
Axel Chemin | France | International Premiere
The Endless | 无尽
Yvette Granata | USA | International Premiere
Soum | 总和
Alice Brygo | France | Chinese Mainland Premiere

The Backpack of Wings: Modern Mythology | 翅膀的背包:现代神话
Hyeseon Jeong | Germany | Asia Premiere
Willkawiwa (El sagrado fuego de los muertos)
Willkawiwa (The sacred fire of the dead) | 死者的圣火
Pável Quevedo Ullauri | Ecuador, Costa Rica | Chinese Mainland Premiere
IMAGE ME | 图像我
Till Gombert | Germany | World Premiere
Face to Face | 脸对脸
Florent Mahoukou | Congo | Asia Premiere
Priyo ami | Dear me | 致亲爱的我
Suchana Saha | India | Chinese Mainland Premiere
Sur tes cendres | On your ashes | 关于你的灰烬
Joachim Michaux | France | Asia Premiere

Lines on the Winter Campaign, 1980 | 关于1980年冬季战役的诗行
Thadeusz Tischbein, Rene Reinhardt | Germany | Chinese Mainland Premiere
Knowledge in Tears | 关于眼泪的知识
Jake Davidson | Belgium, Taiwan | World Premiere
Podesta Island | 波德斯塔岛
Stéphanie Roland | France | Chinese Mainland Premiere
Subtotals | 部分求和
Mohammadreza Farzad | Poland, Germany, Iran | Chinese Mainland Premiere
De dag die wit was | The Day That Was White | 白色的那天
Wannes Vanspauwen | Belgium | Chinese Mainland Premiere
Concertina | 六角琴
Gabriel Gonzalez Acosta | Mexico | Chinese Mainland Premiere
Asphalt und Gras | Asphalt and grass | 柏油路与青草地
Tania Podveikina, Fabian Ripke | Austria | World Premiere

Opera Jalanan | Street Opera | 街头剧场
Arjan Onderdenwijngaard, Nier Castielroy | Indonesia, Netherlands | Chinese Mainland Premiere
Circlet | دويرة 环
Saif Sabah | Iraq | International Premiere
La mécanique des fluides | The Mechanics of fluids | 流体力学
Gala Hernández López | France | Asia Premiere
Fransix Tenda Lomba | Belgium,Congo | Asia Premiere
Aadigunjan | Murmurs of the Jungle | 丛林的低语
Sohil Vaidya | India | Chinese Mainland Premiere
Argirópolis | 普拉塔城
Stefano Storchi | Argentina | Chinese Mainland Premiere

Algún día caerá | Someday It Will Fall | 总有一天,它会坍塌
Mateo Vargas | Mexico | Asia Premiere
Tal Vez El Infierno Sea Blanco | Perhaps Hell Is White | 也许,地狱是白色的
Diego Andres Murillo | Venezuela, USA | Asia Premiere
Sereno | Serene wind | 宁静之风
Andres Isaza | Colombia | International Premiere
Einblick | Insight | 洞察
Emma Braun | Austria | Chinese Mainland Premiere
Pasaia | 帕萨亚
Giulia Grossmann | France | Asia Premiere

Jouri David Hoepfner | Germany | International Premiere
Konrad Kultys | Poland | International Premiere
Ico Costa | France, Mozambique | Asia Premiere
Later on that day | 晚些时候
Konstantinos Stathis | Greece | Asia Premiere
กลีบเงาของสายลม | SHADOW OF THE WIND | 风的影子
Pobwarat Maprasob | Thailand | International Premiere
Filme de Quarto | Room Film | 房间电影
Raffaella Rosset | Brazil | Chinese Mainland Premiere
Show Me Other Places | 带我看看别的地方
Rajee Samarasinghe | Sri Lanka, USA | Asia Premiere

あなたはそこでなんて言ったの? | What is it that you said? | 你刚刚说什么?
Shun Ikezoe | Japan | Chinese Mainland Premiere
PATH | 路
Praddip Kurbah | India, China | Chinese Mainland Premiere
Janela do Inferno | 地狱之窗
Pedro Maia | Portugal, Germany | International Premiere
Petr Grudov | Bulgaria | International Premiere
Megalopolis | Megalopolis | 大都会
Oguzhan Kaya | Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina | Asia Premiere
Patrick Muroni | Switzerland, France | Asia Premiere
Signal GPS perdu | GPS signal lost | 无定位
Pierre Voland | Belgium | Asia Premiere
A Spider, Fever and Other Disappearing Islands | 蜘蛛,发热和其他的消失岛屿
Natalie Khoo | Singapore | Chinese Mainland Premiere
All the Things You Leave Behind | 你留下的一切
Chanasorn Chaikitiporn | Thailand | Chinese Mainland Premiere

ANTES DO AMANHÃ | Before Tomorrow | 明天之前
Andre Guerreiro Lopes, Djin Sganzerla | Brazil | International Premiere
Слезы останутся | Tears will remain | 泪水永存
Leri MATEHHA | Ukraine, Germany | Asia Premiere
How She Didn’t Die | 她怎么还活着?
Antonio Tibaldi | Switzerland, Spain, USA | Asia Premiere
I'll See You Again | 下次见
Stefano Miraglia | France, Italy | World Premiere
About Dam and Hofit | About Dam and Hofit | 关于达姆和霍菲特
Gali Blay, Leila Zelli | Canada, Germany | Asia Premiere

summer, city and a camera| صيف، مدينة وكاميرا | 夏天,城市和摄影机
Anas Zawahri | Syrian Arab Republic | Asia Premiere
Intermede | 间歇
Maria Kourkouta | Greece | Asia Premiere
Los Sagrados | The Sacred | 神圣
Miguel Rozas Balboa | Chile, Belgium | World Premiere
a body is a body is a body | 身体是身体是身体
Cat Mcclay, Éiméar McClay | UK | Asia Premiere
Quartz | 石英
Céleste Rogosin | France | World Premiere
Noite Veloz | Night in Motion | 不安之夜
Cauê Dias Baptista | Brazil | Asia Premiere
Mun Koti | My Home | 我的家
Azar Saiyar | Finland | Asia Premiere
Anna Fernandez De Paco | Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, UK | Chinese Mainland Premiere
Lina | 莉娜
Adrian Di Salle | Australia | Asia Premiere

Sun Under Ground | 地底的太阳
Alex Gerbaulet, Mareike Bernien | Germany | Asia Premiere
Safari(Browser)_The_Nature_ofmy_Computer.mov | 浏览器_我电脑的自然属性.mov
Megan Dieudonné, Andrea Rüthel | Germany | Asia Premiere
Educación Perdida | Education Lost | 迷失教育
Francisco Álvarez Ríos | Ecuador | Asia Premiere
Anabase | 远征记
Benjamin Goubet | Switzerland | Asia Premiere
Cocina Aural | Aural Cuisine | 听觉厨房
Isidro Sánchez | Spain | World Premiere
Jonathan Lee | United States of America | Asia Premiere
Forastero | Foreigner | 异乡人
Thales Pessoa | Argentina | Asia Premiere