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Related Film 相关作品

Arjan Onderdenwijngaard

Arjan onderdenwijngaard (Tilburg, the Netherlands 1961) has been professionally connected with Indonesia since 1980. He is active as a writer, visual artist, actor and photographer, living part of the year in Indonesia and the Netherlands. Since 2014 he acted in some 15 Indonesian movies, both boxoffice features and shorts. This brought him back to an old love: film. Not in front of the camera this time, but behind it to tell his own stories.
Together with friends he made the documentary film After Multatuli Left (2020).
Opera Jalanan (2022) is his debut as a film director.

Arjan onderdenwijngaard于1961年出生在荷兰蒂尔堡。1980 年以来,他与印尼一直有工作上的交集。Arjan是一名活跃的作家、视觉艺术家、演员和摄影师。一年中,他有部分时间在印尼居住,也有部分时间在荷兰。2014年以来,他出演了约 15部印尼电影,其中既有院线长片,也有一些短片。这也让他重拾旧爱--电影。但这次,他从镜头前的演员转变为镜头后的故事讲述人。他与朋友一起制作了纪录片《After Multatuli Left》(2020)。而这部《街头剧场》 (2022) 则是他以导演的身份拍摄的处女作。(申雨夕)

Street Opera


Street Opera
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