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François Fleury


François Fleury, born in 1977, is a photographer based in Paris. Graduated from Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris in 2003, he settles for years in Afghanistan, Uganda and Brazil for photographic projects. This experience gave birth to the film "Waimaha" and to the series of photographs "A river's tale" and "Negative forest".

出生于1977年的他,是一位生活在法国巴黎的摄影师。从2003年于巴黎凡尔赛美术学院毕业之后,他在阿富汗、乌干达和巴西定居多年,进行摄影项目的拍摄。这一经历也引发了他的电影《Waimaha》和摄影作品集《A river's tale》和《Negative forest》的创作。

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