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Related Film 相关作品
Liu Guangli
Guangli Liu was born in 1990 in Lengshuijiang, China. He currently lives and works in Paris. Guangli's works often emerge from the intersection of different approaches to depicting history and events, and ultimately find their own places in installations, videos, documentaries, and paintings that suggest our understanding of the present is often shaped by pre-existing languages, social norms, and media formats through which pieces of information are transmitted.
刘广隶 (b.1990) 生于湖南冷水江市,现工作、生活于巴黎。他的创作通常在描述历史或事件不同方式的狭缝中吸取养分,最后在装置、视频、纪录片和绘画中找到它们自己该有的姿态,它们暗示我们对当下的理解是由信息媒介格式、预先存在的语言和社会规范所塑造的。它们或多或少以虚拟数字技术、图像和公共记录为材料,关注历史的书写模式、社会政治现实的描述框架和关于过去和未来图景的当代再制作。
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