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Related Film 相关作品

María Rojas Arias

Visual Artist and Filmmaker. Co-director of La Vulcanizadora, Project Laboratory in Visual Arts, Cinema, and Expanded Theater. Her audiovisual work and installations are developed using moving images. She works with official and unofficial archival materials seeking to articulate in an expanded way how to present realities related to specific events of the past. These may be national speeches, war policies, the foundation, and colonization of spaces, among others. Her previous short films include FU (2018) and LA CASA LOCA (2016). In 2019, she received a Next Generation grant from the Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development

视觉艺术家与电影制作⼈,视觉艺术、电影和扩展剧院项⽬实验室La Vulcanizadora的联合主
⾦会和空间殖民主义等。她之前的短⽚作品包括 《Fu》 (2018) 和 《La Casa Loca 》(2016)。2019
年,她获得了荷兰克劳斯亲王⽂化与发展基⾦会的Next Generation资助。

Open Mountain


Open Mountain
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