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Paolo Pisanelli

Paolo PISANELLI (1965, Italy), is an Italian photographer and filmmaker. He started out working as a photojournalist and stage photographer; in 1997 he took his career in a new direction when he became a documentary filmmaker. He is the founder and artistic director of Cinema del Reale, an annual audiovisual festival in Salento. He has received prizes and awards from national and international film festivals.

Paolo Pisanelli 1965年出生于意大利,是一位摄影师以及电影人。他最初从事摄影记者和舞台摄影师的工作,直到1997年选择成为了一位纪录片导演。他在世界各地和电影节屡获殊荣过,也是每年在萨兰托举办的视听电影节Cinema del Reale的创始人以及艺术总监。

Two Forgotten Boxes


Two Forgotten Boxes
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