Qiheng Chen
Bahasa Indonesia
How Orchids Think: Become(ing) Orchid
国际首映 International Premiere
Qiheng's work, How Orchids Think: Becoming Orchids, begins with Darwin's anecdote of "unveiling the theater of orchids," leading into an exploration of the discovery, history of introduction, cultural symbolism, and mimetic properties of orchids. The mimetic biological qualities of orchids prompt the artist to imagine an ideal, fluid, and hybrid bodily state. In this piece, the artist learns the "orchid fingers" gesture, wears orchid-like attire, and imitates the "postures" of orchids in an attempt to "become an orchid." At the end of the video, it presents an "Orchid Manifesto": "Many of us have never become orchids, so for us, orchid is an ideality, distilled from the past to imagine the future. We encourage all orchids to come out."