IN - 1 96’
视线向下 | Look Then Below
炉 | Fuel
审判席上的虫与兽 | Bugs and Beasts Before the Law
寻找完美的男人 | Searching for the Perfect Gentleman - An Investigative Journey
遗忘尽头 | Oblivion's End
IN - 2 97’
连通器 | Communicating Vessels
这里,这里 | Here, Here
难住猜谜者 | Stump the Guesser
没法满足你的地方 | where I don't meet you
烧烤派对 | BBQ
IN - 3 98’
无机之红 | Red Aninsri; or, Tiptoeing on the Still Trembling Berlin Wall
在死亡庭院中 | In the Dead Park
银河双圣 | My Galactic Twin Galaction
如何消失 | How to Disappear
佩特拉比安卡的最后一梦 | Last Dream in Petra Bianca
IN - 4 97’
苹果酱 | Apfelmus
地狱 | Inferru
另一夜 | The Other Night
回放:一场告别彩排 | Playback
太阳狗 | Sun Dog
IN - 5 94’
8号标 | Signal 8
眨眼瞬间 | In Ictu Oculi
地方守护神 | Genius Loci
蓝色本田思域 | Blue Honda Civic
眼 / 眼 / 眼 / 眼 | EYES / EYES / EYES / EYES
IN - 6 92’
美国女人 | The American
早安 | Good Morning
废土二号:耐寒的,热烈的 | Wasteland No. 2: Hardy, Hearty
岩壁物语 | Rocky Tales of Occupation
致爱丽莎 | For Elsa
IN - 7 90’
古尔邦节 | Tabaski
在家但不在家 | At Home But Not at Home
两小时之后,十分钟经过了 | After Two Hours, Ten Minutes Had Passed
新雅典 | The New Athens
帝国水利 | Imperial Irrigation
IN - 8 87’
观看《他人之痛》 | Watching The Pain of Others
Z = |Z/Z•Z-1 mod 2|-1:紫苑镇综合症 | Z = |Z/Z•Z-1 mod 2|-1: Lavender Town Syndrome
归来 | Return
悲伤解药 | Solution for Sadness
镜中无光 | There Is No Light Inside the Mirror
IN - 9 91’
摇篮曲 | Lullaby
亨茨维尔站 | Huntsville Station
接着夜晚降临 | Then Comes the Evening
四层维度 | The Fourfold
黑湖 | Black Lagoon
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