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BISFF2024|Correspondence 通信计划:A Flawless Garden 无瑕花园

BISFF Correspondence 通信计划

This program involves conducting brief email interviews with the directors of the international films featured in the festival, in lieu of the traditional Q&A session that follows the screenings. Through this program, we hope to provide a platform for filmmakers to discuss their work and share their insights with our audience in China.

为了跨越种种障碍,开辟更多交流空间,我们设置了“BISFF Correspondence 通信计划”,对部分国际单元的参展作者进行系列访谈,这些访谈将在作品放映后发布在联展各个媒体平台。

A Flawless Garden|Um Jardim Perfeito|无瑕花园

Enrico Piffer

2024|0:08:41|Brazil, UK|Portuguese|World Premiere

Director: Enrico Piffer

Interviewer & Translator: Zifei Wang

Coordinator & Editor: Suliko




Q1: What drew you to photographic slides and MINI-DV among all the other forms of "obsolete media"?


A1: I believe it had a lot to do with the creative momentum I was experiencing. On one hand, I had just finished a project using Mini-DV and wanted to explore the format further. On the other hand, it was around the same time that I became interested in photographic slides while visiting flea markets and antique galleries. It’s always a magical experience to find a box of slides because you never know what you’ll see until you hold them up to the light. It was a fascinating interaction with the medium, which provoked many questions: 'Where did these slides come from?', 'How did they end up here?', 'Who took these pictures?', 'When was the last time someone looked at them before me?' It felt as if I were an archaeologist uncovering treasures from a different time. Moved by this experience, I felt the urge to dedicate my next project to exploring the format. While researching and experimenting with how I wanted to work with the slides, I noticed a connection between them and Mini-DV camcorders. For example, picture slides were originally designed to be viewed with the aid of a projector, such as the Kodak Carousel. Likewise, the camcorder was designed to work with Mini-DV tapes (among other formats). However, even though slides can be experienced without a projector and camcorders can still work without tape, access to these 'periphery supporting technologies' is much more restricted than it once was. Therefore, since both mediums are outdated in relation to the original purposes for which they were designed, it felt natural to combine them in order to reclaim both within a contemporary context.


Q2: As someone who has worked with found photography over the years, this film feels different from your previous work, particularly in its absence of human subjects. What inspired you to focus on flower photography? If I’m not mistaken, around 20 images were used in the film—did you curate this selection yourself? Could you share more about the stories or significance behind these pictures?

作为一个多年来一直与拾得影像(found photography)打交道的人,这部影片与您以往的作品有所不同,尤其是因为人物在其中的缺席。是什么促使您将目光聚焦于花卉摄影?如果我没记错的话,电影中大约使用了20张图片——这些图片是您亲自挑选的吗?您能否谈谈这些图片背后蕴含的故事或意义?

A2: The process of choosing and curating these images began with questioning the photo slides in my collection. Over the years, this collection grew in diverse ways, including slides from family trips, a hospital archive, educational materials, and more. As I imagined the potential films that could emerge from this collection, a film about flowers caught my attention because of its simplicity. When you look at a landscape or a group photo, there is so much information embedded in the image that it can feel overwhelming—different facial expressions, hairstyles, clothing, background textures, various types of vegetation, cloud patterns, and so on. In contrast, the image of a flower is almost "straightforward" in what it represents. This simplicity allowed me to delve into its details and uncover complexity within the simple. Additionally, although the film is visually absent of human figures, I believe the human presence in the film is as significant as the flowers themselves.


A Flawless Garden, Enrico Piffer, 2024

Q3: I was intrigued by the "movements" within the still images, which seem to come alive through the interplay of lighting and layering. The gradual brightening and dimming of various parts of the image create a visual metaphor for blooming and withering. Could you elaborate on the creative and technical processes behind achieving this dynamic effect?


A3: During my initial experiments, I focused on finding a method to explore the slides in a way that resembled the experience of holding a slide up to the light to reveal the image within it. In this process, I tested the translucent qualities of the slides in various ways. I experimented with different light colors, textures, and overlaid slides, among other approaches. However, the method that brought me the most satisfaction was programming different moving light setups to play on a screen monitor. When a slide is positioned above the monitor, the movement of the light creates all sorts of dynamic patterns within the images, allowing me to explore what happens when an image is revealed and the suspense surrounding 'what will be revealed next.'


Q4: The sound of shovelling is a dominant element throughout the film. As the decayed images unfold on screen, the ambient sound evokes for me a sense of "unearthing" —bringing these once lost images back to life. How did you approach the sound design, and what were your goals in shaping the film’s sonic landscape?


A4: In this film, I aimed to explore themes related to the act of creation, which, in my view, is a laborious process. To create a garden, one must dig, cut, arrange, rearrange, wait for it to grow, and then cut and rearrange again—it could be endless. Artistic work is not much different. As I was searching for ways to establish a parallel between a garden and the photographic slide medium, suggesting the presence of a worker in the background of the film felt like an interesting connection between the two and helped me "tie" the film together.


A Flawless Garden, Enrico Piffer, 2024

Q5: The poem seems to explore the paradoxes of nurturing, where the caring pursuit of perfection can lead to pain, disillusionment, and emptiness. I am curious about the identities of "I" and "You" in the poem—are they intended to be specific, or open to interpretation? Could the imagery of gardening serve as a self-reflexive lens for your relationship with artmaking? As the "gardener," you tend to your creations with an aspiration for perfection—a process that is both empowering and yet fraught with emotional and existential risks, much like cultivating a garden.


A5: As an artist, I am more interested in creating work that suggests ideas or evokes questions, rather than being overly specific. Of course, there was a 'logic' behind every decision made in the work; however, I don’t think this logic matters. What matters to me are the connections one might draw between the elements resulting from this logic. When I first envisioned this film, I was calling it ‘Flowers’ and focusing on each slide individually. But later in the process, I realized that the images actually share the same dark space that surrounds them. From this abstract notion of a metaphorical shared space, an interesting tension emerged between the idea of caring for a garden and the fragility that is shared with the medium I was working with. Similarly to a garden, a photographic slide or a MINI-DV camcorder decays over time, and the aspirations of a gardener or an artist, for example, become ephemeral within the 'lifespan' of their creation. From this point on, my concern was to create layers within the work to investigate the existential complexity and ambiguities of 'creating,' exploring the peripheral themes that surround this topic, such as— as you pointed out— nurturing, care, pain, disillusionment, emptiness, perfection, obsession, etc.

作为一名艺术家,我更倾向于创作那些能够激发思考或提出问题的作品,而非过于直白地表达。诚然,每个创作决策背后都有一套 “逻辑”,但我认为,这种逻辑本身并不是最重要的。对我而言,真正关键的是这些逻辑所引发的不同元素之间的相互联系。在最初构思这部影片时,我将其命名为《花朵》,并专注于每张幻灯片的独立呈现。然而,在后期制作中,我意识到所有这些图像实际上都被同一片黑暗空间包围。这个充满隐喻性的共享空间的抽象概念,让我发觉,照料花园的行为与我所使用的媒介之间,存在着一种共通的脆弱性,这种张力非常有趣。就像花园会随时间逐渐凋零,幻灯片和MINI-DV也会随着时间的推移而衰退,园丁或艺术家的愿景在他们作品的“生命周期”中也只是昙花一现。基于这一认识,我试图在我的作品中创造层次,以探索“创作”这一行为的复杂性与模糊性,同时讨论与这一主题相关的各种话题,比如你提到的:培育、关怀、痛苦、幻灭、空虚、完美、执念等。

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