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Charline Dally, Gabrielle Harnois-Blouin




corps minéral


Asia Premiere

Inspired by geology, science fiction, and documentary archives, corps minéral integrates a narrative co-written by Gabrielle HB and Charline Dally (le désert mauve). The film connects the spaces of our lives and of our sensible experiences with geological phenomena of immeasurable temporality. The layers of memory, whether they are contained in the rock or in our cells, are part of a cycle from sedimentation to disintegration. The work invites us to apprehend these processes with attention and empathy in order to consider their slowness as a means to heal even the deepest fractures.

受地质学、科幻小说和纪录片档案的启发, Gabrielle HB和Charline Dally共同创作了《corps minéral》。这部电影将我们的生活空间和我们的感性经验与具有不可估量的时间性的地质现象联系起来。记忆的层次,不管是在岩石中还是在我们的细胞中,都是一个从沉淀到瓦解的循环的一部分。影片邀请我们以关注和同情的态度来理解这些过程,以便将其缓慢性视为治愈最深的裂痕的手段。 (Yuchen Lu)

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